This Marking Tool Is Sure To Be Your Best Friend In Your Shop

A good woodworker will have a variety of tools to help him or her make amazing projects. A scribing tool is a woodworking tool that is used to mark out lines on wood. Its a handy tool to have in your shop, and it can be used for a variety of tasks. This tool makes it easy to create patterns, curves and joints. In this blog post, well explore five different uses for a scribing tool and what kind of projects you can try with it.


Marking out curves

This tool can be used to mark out curves. A scribing instrument can be used to create perfect curves for projects that require curved lines.

Making repeating patterns

You can also make repeating patterns. A scribing device can be used to quickly make multiple copies of the exact same pattern. It will save you time and effort re-referring to the same pattern repeatedly.

Transferring lines from one piece of wood to another

A third use is transferring lines from one piece of wood to another. If you need to copy lines from one piece of wood to another, this tool can help you do it accurately and quickly.

Marking joints

This tool can be used to mark joints. This is especially helpful if youre making furniture or other products that require a lot of exact joints.

Making inlays

Inlays are a fifth function. If you want to add an inlay to your project, a scribing tool can help you create it accurately and easily.


Building cabinet doors

This tool is great for building cabinet doors from scratch. It will ensure that your door panels fit into the frame perfectly. Without a scribing tool, this process can take hours. With this tool, simply trace the contours of the frame onto the door panel and then cut along the lines with a saw.

Fitting molding

Whether youre installing baseboard, crown molding, or any other type of decorative molding, a scribing tool can help you get a tight, professional-looking fit. To trace the wall contours onto the molding, you can use a coping or jigsaw for cutting along them.

Building built-ins

This tool is useful if you are planning to add built-ins in your home. Trace around the contours of the area where the built-in will go, and then use your measurements to build it to fit.

Custom furniture

If youre custom-building furniture, whether its a table, chairs, or something else entirely, a scribing tool can help you get precise measurements so that everything fits together perfectly. You can trace the lines around each piece and then cut along them.

Repairing uneven surfaces

A scribing instrument can be used to create a template to repair an irregularly shaped surface. Simply trace around the damaged area and then use the template to cut out your repair piece.


For serious woodworkers, a scribing instrument is essential. It is versatile, easy to use and can make any project easier and more precise. This handy tool is a great resource for anyone trying to install molding or make built-ins fit properly. Check out our selection of woodworking tools if you are interested in adding one.